Tuesday 20 November 2007

Making Progress

As planned we had a brief group meeting before class on Monday. This allowed us to discuss where we’re at in terms of the group project, as well as determine what we believe still needs to be done.

As in class we were given a chance to work within our groups (which I greatly appreciated!), we were able to focus our attention on one of our top priorities this week: sorting out the web design of our wiki page.

Editing the wiki appeared to be more difficult than I first anticipated. Fortunately Neng has some previous experience with html and web design in general, for which I’m very grateful. We opted for a somewhat minimalist design, which is not to say that this is a bad thing. In fact, at present I’m very pleased with the design of our wiki page. I’m especially happy about the choice of colour, which is particularly easy on the eye. Of course, there are still some inconsistencies which we’ll have to work on but most importantly the first step has been taken.

I’ve already played around with the wiki last night and made some minor formatting changes. This definitely made me feel more comfortable with the whole editing process. Monday’s class was thus incredibly valuable: not only did it help ease my concerns voiced in my previous blog entry, but I also feel that I have acquired some important wiki editing skills for this project.

Although I have been feeling a little insecure about adding my (not yet final) written work on social networking sites onto our wiki page, I nevertheless did it yesterday. It is clearly convenient to have everything that is project-related in one place, which will probably make the final editing process easier.

Hopefully by the end of this week our research into virtual communities will be completed and put down in writing so we can start piecing everything together.

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