Sunday 2 December 2007

The Week Before the Deadline...

In fact I should be sorting out some discrepancies on our group wiki at the moment. When trying to access the website however the following message appears:

Whilst this is undeniably making me feel a little uneasy I’ve decided to write on my blog instead and hope the problem the page is experiencing will be resolved soon.

Speaking of the group wiki, I’ve noticed that our page looks different (and somewhat awkward may I say) when opened with Firefox. I don’t know whether this is something I should be concerned about right now but it is definitely not making me happy. I wonder if we should try and resolve it?

Apart from the above I feel that the group project is coming along quite well. The majority of the writing for the project now seems to be completed. The three of us met on Friday to compose our conclusion. Another group meeting is scheduled for Monday morning to review our introduction as well as to verify and edit the rest of the content if necessary.

Having watched Nigel help us sort out some inconsistencies on Monday, I feel very confident using the wiki now. I’ve realised that often it is more sensible and above all easier and quicker to make amendments in the source, which is what I have been doing lately. I have been experiencing problems trying to amend the cell padding from 10 to 20 in the table properties though. I would love to say that (after hours wasted on this) I’ve stopped agonizing about it. As I can be a bit of a perfectionist this would be a lie. What I can say however is that I understand there are more important issues needing attention right now so I’ve laid that matter to rest. At least for the time being, since it is only a minor formatting problem.

After an insightful (but unfortunately rather brief and interrupted) discussion with Nigel (and some of my fellow students) regarding blogging, I guess I ought to reconsider my reflections on blogging. Maybe I should approach blogging as Eco does teaching and writing for newspapers:
‘That is why I like to teach, to expound still-imperfect ideas and hear the students’ reaction. That is why I like to write for the newspapers, to reread myself the next day, and to read the reactions of others. A difficult game, because it does not always consist of being reassured when you meet with agreement and having doubts when you are faced with dissent. Sometimes you have to follow the opposite course: Distrust agreement and find in dissent the confirmation of your own intuitions’ (1986: xii).

I will elaborate on the above as well as consider the group dynamics and the group project in my final blog entry for this module next week. I hope we will be given until Friday to do so as the work load at the moment feels rather overwhelming, as always at the end of term.

Eco, U. (1986) Travels in Hyperreality. Harcourt Brace & Company: Orlando, Florida.

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